Physics for Early Childhood Educators
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Gravity activities
Balancing Bird, Balancing bird template
Dropping Water
Flour Craters
Hammer and Feather
Paper copter, Paper copter template
Paper Drop
Paper Planes and Straw Rockets
Rolling Ramp
Tricky Toy
Wobbly Ball
Floating and sinking activities
Bubbling Lava
Dancing Sultanas
Fireworks in a Jar
Float the Boat
Glitter Bottle
Oil and Water Test Tube
Oil and Water Bottle
Orange Peel Life Jacket
Soy Sauce Diver
Suspended Egg
Water Displacement
Sound activities
Balloon Drum
Buzzing Balloon
Chicken Cup
Coat Hanger
Dancing Rice
Music Box
Rubber Band Box Guitar
Spring Cup
Straw Flute
String Telephone
Light activities
Disappearing Pictures
DIY Light Box
DIY Scratch Paper
Magnifying Glass
Mirror Box
Shadow Puppets